Japanese Through manga Yotsubato ep.3

Japanese blog

Learning Japanese Through Manga ep.3



yotsubato manga page 8

anmari noridasu to abunai zoo
anmari (not very,not much) noridasu (to lean forward) *to(if,and,with) abunai (i-adjective dangerous ) zoo(sentence end give force or command )
-overall meaning
it's dangerous if lean forward too much

oneechan ga te futta
oneechan ( oneesan means big sister,girl) *ga (identifying particle) 
te (hand) futta (past of furu means to wave)
-overall meaning
I waved to the big sister(honorific not really her sister)

toochan mo fure
toochan (original otosan means dad) *mo(too) fure( command of the verb furu to wave)
-overall meaning
My dad you have to wave too

toochan te ga hanasenai kara na
toochan te ga hanasenai kara na
toochan (org. otoosan dad) te(hand) hanasenai (negative of the verb hanasu to release,to let go) *kara ( because,from,since)
*na (sentence end indicate emotion or emphasis)
-overall meaning
your dad can't let go his hand

ore no bun mo yotsuba futtekure
ore (I;me male term) *no(possessive) bun(share,part) *mo(too)
yotsuba(name of the girl) *futtekure 
-overall meaning
wave for me(do my share of waving)
**futte kure:(furu+te form)+(kure=kureru) used to ask someone for help or do something for you

Example sentences:

tomodachi ga souji o tetsudatte kureta.
My friends help me clean.

**みんな がんばって**

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