Japanese Through manga Yotsubato ep.6

Japanese blog

Learning Japanese Through Manga ep.6





 -- そこおいといていいぞー --

soko oitoite iizo

soko(there) oitoite(oiteoku=leave it aside) iizo(good,it's better ,no complaining

*****it's ok if you put it there****


*** oh***

 1.nanka ore tairyoku teika shite nnaa
nanka(things like..) ore(me/I) tairyoku(physical strength) teika(lower,decline) shite(te form of suru means to do) naa(add emotions)
*** it seems my stamina is declining *** 

                  2.te ga furueru 
             te (hand) ga( Identifier particle) furueru(to shake)
                      ***My hand is shaking*** 

                           3.omae sa kinjo ni aisatsu de kubaru soshina 
                   toka youi shiteru ka ? 
omae(you) sa(sent. end mainly masc.) kinjo(neighbour) ni(directional particle) aisatsu(greeting) de(prt.indicate location of action) kubaru(to deliver) soshina(gift) toka( or other things) youi(praparation) shiteru(suru+iru form ) ka( prt. indicate question)

***are you planning to distribute/give gifts to greet the neighbors *** 

1.souka souiu no shinakya na
souka (that's right) souiu(things like that ,such)
no(prt. possessive) shinakya(shinakutewanarimasen=shoud do) na(indicate emotion)

***That's right we have to do such things*** 

 2.atamaiina omae
atamaiina(atama+iina means bright or intelligent ) omae(informal you)
***you are intelligent***

3.jaa ore ga youi shitekiteyaru omae katazuketero 
jaa(then/so) ore(me/I informal) ga(Identifier particle )
youi+shitekiteyaru(youi+suru=prapare ,te form youi shite. kite+yaru=kuru+yaru=return+do) omae(you) katazuketero(katazukeru(to tidy up)+ro(do it))

***then I will do the preparation for you meanwhile you finish this***  

1.henna mon mottekunna yo

henna(hen(weird)+na na adjectives takes na at the end)

mon(thing/something) mottekunna(motsu(to have)+kuru(bring back)+na(negetive) ) yo(prt. you know)

***don't bring somthing weird ,you know***


2.ore wa purin ga suki nanda

ore(me/I casual) wa(prt. as fo...,*If it's not prt. it's HA)
purin(pudding) ga(prt.Identifier particle Identify subject or emphasis) suki(favourite /like) nanada( emphasis)

***as for me pudding is my favorite*** 

3.iya omae no shikou wa ii
iya(no) omae(you) no(possessive particle)
shikou(taste) wa(prt. as for... ,topic marker particle)
***no I will go with your preference*** 

4.tokorode sa yotsuba dokoda? 
tokorode(by the way) sa( used to bring attention or -ness or muscline emphasis) yotsuba(name of character) dokoda(doko+desuka casual where)

***by the way, where is yotsuba*** 

inai(iru(exist)+nai(negetive present)
***she dissapeared*** 

頑張ってください 😁

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  1. Thank you for doing these! They are really educational and helpful since it's explained why the sentences are the way they are instead of just translating them like a lot of resources do :)

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