Originally NHK News
アメリカ コンテナの中(なか)から子(こ)どもの熊(くま)を警官(けいかん)が助(たす)ける
[11月22日 16時15分]1.アメリカのカリフォルニア州(しゅう)で16日(にち)、「母親(ははおや)と子(こ)どもの熊(くま)がごみの入(はい)っているコンテナで食(た)べ物(もの)をさがしていたら、
1.In California 16th of November, [ a mother bear and her baby while they are looking for food in trash container ,
2.The baby bear couldn’t get out of the container ] a phone call from the police.
3. The police officer who came to help at first he watched the bear’s mother to go a little bit away then he went towards him “I am gonna save you “ he said.
4. Then he opened the container lid and the baby bear came out.
5. The police officer said to the bear [go to your mother], the baby bear while watching the police officer he ran toward his mother.
6. The police officer took a picture and uploaded it to the internet.
7.in internet many people saw it and said [ This police officer is animals hero] and[ Thank you for saving the bear’s baby]…. etc they wrote.